Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan Mountaineering from the Age of Empire to the Age of Extremes recently snagged the 2008 National Outdoor Book Award (NOBA) in the History/Biography category. From stories of the triumphant to those of the thwarted, Fallen Giants chronicles over 120 years of mankind’s attempts to conquer the towering colossus. NOBA praised the book for its “impressive body of research” and excellent writing, quoting, “ Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weaver effortlessly move the reader from one era to another–as easily as an accomplished climber might move from one rock pitch to another.”  Times of London also found the book irresistible in a recent review, calling Fallen Giants a “fine book that…combines historical sweep and accuracy with a moral argument.”
To find out more about the book, visit its page at the YUP website.