Health & Medicine

Angels and Cancer

Dr. Richard Frank— Cancer is a medical condition that affects the human body (and other species). Scientists can break it down into its component molecular parts, the DNA and proteins that go awry. Oncologists can categorize it by type and stage and list the treatments for each condition. These are

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Can Cancer Undergo Spontaneous Regression?

Dr. Richard Frank— For most people, the word "cancer" conjures up fears of a life-threatening disease. Common definitions found on internet sites describe cancer cells as "growing out of control" and relentlessly spreading throughout the body causing harm. The reality, however, is much more complicated. Because I have found in

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When the Diagnosis is “Incurable” Cancer

Dr. Richard Frank— The following article by Dr. Richard Frank originally appeared on Bottom Line/Health. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is always frightening, but it can be devastating if you’re told that the condition is "incurable." For all cancers combined, about two-thirds of patients will be cured (have no evidence

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Welcome to The Fighting Cancer Blog

Dr. Richard Frank— Welcome to the Fighting Cancer Blog. This website represents an extension of my book, Fighting Cancer with Knowledge and Hope: A Guide For Patients, Families and Health Care Providers. The emphasis is on Hope and Knowledge: Hope for healing and success in dealing with cancer; Knowledge as

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How OBs Think

Marjorie Greenfield— I just got back from the Doulas of North America international conference in Atlanta where I gave a talk called “how OBs think.” The doulas seemed to find the title humorous but they still came to hear what I had to say. I gave the talk because I’ve gotten interested

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Wall Street Journal Says to Take Time Off Before Baby

Marjorie Greenfield— An article from today’s WSJ online column “The Juggle” says that moms do better if they take off time before the baby comes. Havng interviewed over one hundred women for The Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book, I’d say new moms are split on this issue. Here is what I have

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Seven Guidelines for Religious Fasting in Pregnancy

Marjorie Greenfield— Many pregnant women choose to fast at some point in time, usually for religious or cultural reasons. With Ramadan and Yom Kippur around the corner, it seemed like a good time to post some guidelines on fasting in pregnancy. I couldn’t find research on the effects of one-day

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A labor nurse’s birthplan

Marjorie Greenfield— I have written a lot on birth plans–the pros and the cons of putting one together, how to write one that will be helpful for you, and what factors to think about when you write one. So I was particularly interested to see the personal birthplan from one of our

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Breastfeeding and the Return to Work

Marjorie Greenfield— In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, I decided to jump ahead in my “to do” list of topics and talk about combining breastfeeding with returning to work. This article is adapted from The Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book. Many mothers and babies really enjoy nursing, and the moms find

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Announcing: The Working Pregnant Woman’s Photocontest

Are you pregnant and working? Know someone who is? Marjorie Greenfield M.D. recently published a book with Yale University Press designed to be your go-to guide for working soon-to-be moms. Titled The Working Woman’s Pregnancy Book, the book draws from Dr. Greenfield’s years of experience as a practicing Ob/Gyn and

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