Comer wins Grawemeyer Award in Education

In a press release, the University of Louisville announced today that Dr. James Comer, Maurice Falk professor of child psychiatry at Yale University, has been named the  winner of the 2007 Grawemeyer Award in Education for his work Leave No Child Behind: Preparing Today’s Youth for Tomorrow’s World (Yale University

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Louis Comfort Tiffany and Laurelton Hall

The Met has installed a new porch, just in time for winter. It is enormous and luxuriously decorated, a hundred-year-old artifact the size of a house. It is Louis Comfort Tiffany’s famous Daffodil Terrace. Or at least a faithful reconstruction of it. The real terrace belonged to Laurelton Hall, the

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Yale Press Goes Podcasting!

We’re pleased to announce the launch of the Yale Press Podcast, a new show about arts, letters, ideas, history, and just about everything else on our authors’ minds. The premier episode of the Yale Press Podcast gets into the holiday spirit! Host Chris Gondek interviews Adrian Goldsworthy about Caesar, Ivan

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Quotationeer Shapiro

William Safire dubs Fred Shapiro “Quotationeer Shapiro” in Sunday’s New York Times Magazine: On the analogy of “Dictionary Johnson,” we call Fred R. Shapiro, editor of the just-published Yale Book of Quotations (well worth the $50 price), “Quotationeer Shapiro.” Like that harmless drudge, as Sam defined “lexicographer,” Shapiro does original

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Millennial Stages

This week, New York Magazine‘s “Approval Matrix,” the magazine’s “deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on [its] taste hierarchies,” includes Millennial Stages by Robert Brustein. The magazine placed it in the “Highbrow” and “Brilliant” quarter and called it an “essential collection of dramatic criticism.” View the entire Matrix here.

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Europe’s Physician

The New Republic has printed an insightful appraisal of famed historian Hugh Trevor-Roper’s capstone work, Europe’s Physician. Reviewer Peter Miller points out that doctors can provide a unique historical window into politics because of their trusted status, proximity to power, and necessary philosophical balancing of science, religion and humanity. “[I]t

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Leaf through the Yale Book of Quotations with NPR’s Morning Edition

“…the joy of reading this new book of quotations is just leafing all the way through it—you get to feel scholarly and stupid at the same time…” — Steve Inskeep, NPR: Morning Edition Listen in.

Free Shipping on Yale University Press Books Through November

The Press is pleased to offer free shipping on all Yale books throughout November if you order through the Yale University Press website. This offer applies to domestic (US and Canadian) orders only.

Yale Titles Make Amazon’s “Best Of” Lists

Just like the strains of “Jingle Bells” floating through the grocery stores, the annual Best Of lists have (already) begun to appear. is early out of the gate this year, releasing both their Editors’ Picks and their Customers’ Favorites this week. Among the Editors’ Picks for the Top 50

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