More Royal Maneuvering

“Though Thailand is a constitutional monarchy and the king has only limited formal political power, he is highly influential and is revered by the Thai public after more than 5o years on the throne. Armored vehicles seen moving in the capital bore ribbons of bright yellow, a color associated with

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Does American Democracy Still Work?

With the midterm congressional races heating up and November 7 right around the corner, we are once again privileged witnesses of American democracy in action…or, as Alan Wolfe sees it, American democracy inaction. In his new book, Does American Democracy Still Work?, Wolfe identifies the current political conditions that have

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A Peek Into Ivan Brunetti’s House

From An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories by Ivan Brunetti, forthcoming in October. Stay tuned for more previews from this and other forthcoming titles from Yale University Press.

Bartlett’s, Step Aside

The Yale Book of Quotations, compiled by Fred R. Shapiro, is due out in October. But “aren’t there already books of quotations out there?” the review in Yale Alumni Magazine asks. “Do we need another? “Fred Shapiro’s answer is Yes, and yes. There are people who pick up Bartlett’s Familiar

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Reed Hundt to be Featured on TPMCafe’s Book Club

There will be a Book Club session on TPMCafe for Reed Hundt’s In China’s Shadow: The Crisis of American Entrepreneurship on Monday, September 25th and in the days following. TPMCafe is an off-shoot of Josh Micah Marshall’s popular TalkingPointsMemo blog. Their regular contributors are a mix of academics, former government

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Where Do Teachers Come From?

As summer days give way to school days, you may find yourself asking, “Where do teachers come from?” Many of them come from ed schools, institutions that get little respect. They are portrayed as intellectual wastelands, as impractical and irrelevant, and as the root cause of bad teaching and inadequate

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Don’t Panic

In direct contrast to the federal government’s refusal to act against man-made, global climate change, California’s leaders passed landmark legislation yesterday to reduce its level of carbon dioxide emissions by 25% by 2020. According to the New York Times, the deal between the Democratic-controlled Legislature and Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

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In the Studio…

Here is a sneak peek at In the Studio: Visits with Contemporary Cartoonists by Todd Hignite, the founding editor of Comic Art Magazine. In the Studio will be available in September. 2.03 Art Spiegelman, detail from “High Art Lowdown,” Artforum, December 1990. Copyright © 1990 by Art Spiegelman. 6.26 Daniel

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A Conversation with Ivan Brunetti

Ivan Brunetti discusses An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories forthcoming from Yale this Fall.