Tag architectural symbolism

The Innovative Poetry of Mallarmé

Mary Ann Caws— Happy birthday, Stéphane! Everything about Symbolism’s great poet makes him ours too. His strangeness, for example, while writing about the latest fashion using all those pseudonyms in La Dernière Mode: Madame de Ponty, Mademoiselle Satin, Olympia la négresse, le Chef de Bouche de chez Brabant, and IX

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Paul Goldberger at the Aspen Institute and on Colbert tonight

At 11:30 this evening, New Yorker architecture critic Paul Goldberger will be in the hot seat on the Colbert Report discussing his new book, Why Architecture Matters. While we can’t predict what line of questioning Colbert will follow (is there some secret left-wing architectural conspiracy we’re not aware of?), Goldberger

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