Tag civil rights

More on the Marriage and Discrimination Debate

In November 2008, California voters approved Proposition 8, a decision that had a considerable impact on the same-sex marriage debate. Though the proposition had passed with 52% of the vote, its constitutionality was challenged in a 2009 case brought by two gay couples.The case, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, argued that Proposition

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Tuesday Studio: For All the World to See

This summer, the International Center for Photography in New York is presenting the exhibition For All the World to See: Visual Culture and the Struggle for Civil Rights, curated by Maurice Berger, a professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County.  The show presents film and television clips, photography, newspapers, and

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Toward the realization of King’s “Dream”

Forty-four years ago this week, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law, marking a monumentous moment in civil rights history. Yesterday’s confirmation of Judge Sonia Sotomayor fell on the anniversary of the law’s passage, lending even greater historical resonance to a moment that President Obama celebrated as

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Same, Different, Equal: Rethinking Single-Sex Schooling

In the coming weeks, the federal Department of Education is expected to issue final regulations allowing public school districts greater flexibility in establishing classes and schools that separate students on the basis of sex. The new rules will represent an about-face on federal interpretations of Title IX, the law prohibiting

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In Memoriam: William Sloane Coffin, Jr.

“The world is too dangerous for anything but truth and too small for anything but love.” – William Sloane Coffin, Jr. The Rev. William Sloane Coffin, Jr., a magnet for controversy, the media, and followers, and the premier voice of northern religious liberalism for more than a quarter-century, died yesterday

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