Tag drawing instruction

Forces of Geek Cartooning Contest

This month, the blog “Forces of Geek” is giving away four copies of Ivan Brunetti’s Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice, a must-read for the cartoon aficionado. Using hand-drawn illustration accompanied by witty text, Brunetti guides the reader through the theory and terminology of cartooning and offers a series of easy lessons

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How I Learned to Think Like a Cartoonist

Earlier this year, Yale University Press was thrilled to publish a “classroom in a book” by Ivan Brunetti. Brunetti, an acclaimed cartoonist and illustrator, has taught courses on illustration and comics at the University of Chicago and Columbia College Chicago. His book Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice is a 15-week series of lessons

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Ivan Brunetti Becomes a Yale Bestselling Author Again!

June 2011 has turned into a landmark month for Yale University Press’s beloved cartoonist-author Ivan Brunetti. Earlier this summer, his wonderful Cartooning: Philosophy and Practice landed at #17 on the American Booksellers Association’s “Indie Comics & Graphic Works bestseller list” based on sales in independent bookstores nationwide for the eight-week

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