Tag education

September Theme: Education

Our September celebration of education isn’t only because the kiddies are going back to school. As a scholarly publisher, our mission is to publish serious works that educate both within and outside the classroom. From museum programs and school reform to learning about animals and the place of rap in

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Are the Humanities Slipping Away?

In a piece from the Chronicle of Higher Education, Frank Donoghue writes about the decline in humanities majors, a decline which is also paired with an increase in for-profit and two-year colleges.  He concludes that while humanities may lose their footing in the world of college and university, their place

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Where Do Teachers Come From?

As summer days give way to school days, you may find yourself asking, “Where do teachers come from?” Many of them come from ed schools, institutions that get little respect. They are portrayed as intellectual wastelands, as impractical and irrelevant, and as the root cause of bad teaching and inadequate

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