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For the Un-Occupied

Follow @yaleSCIbooks What with the tents that have been pitched in parks all over the country and the slogans to be found on everything from Twitter feeds to t-shirts, it is starting to seem like everything in America is occupied. Yet for those of us far from Wall Street, the

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Bored Yet This Summer?

The critics have weighed in: at the Boston Globe, at the Chronicle Review, even with a slideshow on Slate.com, and the consensus is that Peter Toohey’s Boredom: A Lively History is anything but boring! (You can imagine how it came to have such a subtitle from the “Book Bench” interview

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Finding Happiness in January

January is a long month. The holiday cheer begins to wear off, back to work and school; and for those of us in the cold: banks of dirtying snow and “wintry mixes,” sputtering heaters, and searing winds. At this time, the bright year ahead simultaneously seems most promising, and most

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