Tag Empire state building

Two Icons of America authors on YouTube

A recent unexpected celebrity endorsement is just the latest in a string of successes for Yale’s Icons of America series, which presents brief, lively volumes on our nation’s major cultural touchstones. Past works have covered the Empire State Building, Gone with the Wind, and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have

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Let Freedom Read

While you’re staking out prime fireworks real estate at your local Independence Day celebration, pass the hours before nightfall with some entertaining and thought-provoking reading material from Yale Press’s American Icon Series. Gore Vidal’s treatment of our Founding Fathers in his book Inventing a Nation: Washington, Adams, Jefferson is the

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Nearest Thing to Heaven

The foursquare view from the top of the Empire State, even more than the sweep of Manhattan that was available from the summit of the twin towers, is one of life’s great vistas. It may not quite be, as the building’s primary booster and moving force, Al Smith, argued, better

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