Tag famous quotes

“Beam Me Up, Mr. Scott” (Revisited)

Yesterday, Fred R. Shapiro’s list of the Ten Most Notable Quotes of the Year was published by the Associated Press. As a compliment to that piece, we are revisiting this article from September that highlights popular misquotations corrected by Shapiro in The New Yale Book of Quotations. Fred R. Shapiro—

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“Beam Us Up, Mr. Scott”

Fred R. Shapiro— The New Yale Book of Quotations uses pioneering research methods to trace famous quotations to their true origins. In particular, extensive searching of online historical books and newspapers has been employed to improve upon our knowledge of quotation provenances and histories. One result of these investigations has been

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Announcing the Yale Book of Quotations App

Finding the right words has never been easier. Do you want to learn what political figures, literary scholars or singers have to say about their fields? Do you want to share with your friends and colleagues the inspiration you get from various public figures over the dinner table? Or do

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Looking back at the year in quotations

Each year, Fred Shapiro, editor of The Yale Book of Quotations, compiles a list of memorable quotations from the past twelve months. An entertaining mix of political missteps, slick advertising lingo, and plain old nonsense, his 2009 list adds some levity and perspective to the year in review. Recently, Shapiro

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WSJ names Yale Book of Quotations an “essential” reference

This weekend’s Wall Street Journal added additional acclaim to the long list of praise for Fred Shapiro’s Yale Book of Quotations. In his list of essential reference books for the home library, Boston University librarian Donald Altschiller ranked the Yale Book of Quotations as second only to the World Almanac

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Shapiro blegs for the Freakonomics blog

Stephen J. Dubner of the New York Times’ Freakonomics blog invited “blegs” from the readers–or, “questions that the Freakonomics readership could collectively answer well.” The inaugural bleg–did Clint Eastwood’s ever say “Read my lips”–was answered with the help of Yale Press’ own Fred R. Shapiro, editor of the “wonderful” Yale

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Fred Shapiro names year’s top 10 quotes

As 2008 approaches, Fred R. Shapiro, the editor of The Yale Book of Quotations, looked back on all of the quotes, soundbytes, and catchphrases that made an impact in 2007. Now, Shapiro has prepared a top ten list of the most memorable quotes, Reuters reports. Shapiro’s number one for 2007

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