What Happened to Mescaline?

Mike Jay— In the current psychedelic renaissance, the original psychedelic is conspicuous by its absence. Amid all the buzz around LSD, psilocybin, DMT, ketamine and MDMA, and their potential for psychotherapy and mental well-being, mescaline rarely rates a mention. Yet the term ‘psychedelic’ was coined, in 1954, in response to

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Fool Me Once: Should We Give Our Kids OxyContin, Too?

Rachael Coakley— The recent FDA decision to approve the use of OxyContin for children ages 11–17 has raised heated controversy from politicians, parents, and pediatric providers alike. OxyContin, a highly concentrated, slow-release opioid can offer twelve hours of continuous pain coverage. When OxyContin was first approved for adult chronic pain

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What’s in Your Orange Juice?

Follow @yaleSCIbooks Alissa Hamilton, author of Squeezed: What You Don’t Know about Orange Juice was featured in a recent article from Men’s Health magazine titled “The Worst Chemicals in Your Food.” While many orange juice brands tout their products as “all natural” and “freshly squeezed” the fruit beverage’s delicious flavor does

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Squeezed to the Last Drop: From Florida Orange Groves to the Courtroom

Follow @yaleSCIbooks Merriam Webster defines “natural” as “growing without human care; not cultivated,” but one organization that does not define how the word natural can be used is the Food and Drug Administration. This absence of a definition in the food industry is at the heart of Alissa Hamilton’s Squeezed:

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