Tag Pablo Picasso

Ep. 49 – Picasso and Drawing

Drawing serves as a vital thread connecting artist Pablo Picasso’s entire body of work. Christopher Lloyd – former Surveyor of The Queen’s Pictures in the British Royal Collection – talks to George Miller about Picasso’s drawings, tracing the artist’s lifelong achievement as a draughtsman. Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | Soundcloud

Shape Up: Understanding Cubism with Picasso and Braque

“I continue to enjoy looking at Cubist pictures as much as I ever did, but I have come increasingly to realize that I do not really understand them, and I am not sure that anyone else does either,” wrote art historian John Golding in 1959. Considering that comes from Cubism:

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A Summertime Rush of Art Collecting

The Steins were not the only Jewish American family interested in collecting the strikingly profound works of the Modernist era; in fact, they were friends with Baltimore sisters Claribel and Etta Cone, who visited the expats and were captivated by the Parisian art of Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso.  The

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