Tag podcast interviews

Ep. 85 – The Life and Art of Bob Thompson

Listen to this conversation with Diana K. Tuite, the Katz Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at the Colby College Museum of Art. Her exhibition Bob Thomson: This House Is Mine is currently on view at the Colby College Museum of Art, and we talk to her about the artist

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Ep. 81 – Alice Neel’s Deep Humanism

In a fascinating conversation that ranges from Alice Neel’s politics to her painting practice, we talk with Kelly Baum and Randall Griffey, the co-curators of the current exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and co-editors of the related catalogue, Alice Neel: People Come First. YaleUniversity · Alice Neel's Deep

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Podcast: Frank Lloyd Wright and San Francisco

Stanford University professor emeritus Paul V. Turner, author of the new book Frank Lloyd Wright and San Francisco, shares marvelous stories from his years of research into Frank Lloyd Wright’s work in the San Francisco Bay Area, including built and unbuilt projects. Audio below, or listen in iTunes. Further reading:

Yale Press Podcast Episode 29: Amos Oz & Fania Oz-Salzberger

Listen to the podcast interview for Jews and Words on iTunes! Somewhere between the What is Jewish Culture? event at the 92Y launching the Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization and the NPR Weekend Edition interview with Scott Simon, we managed to catch Amos Oz and Fania Oz-Salzberger to

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Changing Conservatism: An Interview with Patrick Allitt

Since Election Day, a host of scapegoats have been blamed for Mitt Romney’s campaign loss – Obama’s “gifts” to minorities, Governor Chris Christie, single women, Former President Bush – the list is tireless. Yet perhaps the most convincing factor has less to do with Romney and more with the Republican

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Yale Press Podcast Episode 28: Trita Parsi on Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran

When President Obama took office in 2009, one of his most notable proclamations was his commitment to a more open foreign policy. During the 2008 presidential debates, then-Senator Obama openly declared the importance that the United States “talk to the Syrians and the Iranians”, remarking that those who think otherwise

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Don’t Kick Back with Your OJ Just Yet

A cool, refreshing glass of orange juice is the perfect top-off to your breakfast, but maybe there are a few things you might want to know first about its history: how it got to you and what “100% pure orange juice” actually means. Both of these have to do with

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