Tag popular culture

Submit to The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs

When three heads are put together, the results can be shockingly revelatory. Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro have now compiled The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs, the first proverb dictionary to be based on electronic research from full-text databases. With more than 1,400 entries, this exhaustive collection

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Happy Birthday, Bob Dylan! YUP’s Newest Icon

It’s the 70th birthday of Bob Dylan, once known as Robert Allen Zimmerman, and as part of our Icons of America series, David Yaffe, a music critic and professor of English at Syracuse University, has uniquely written about the musician in Bob Dylan: Like a Complete Unknown. The subtitle may

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For the Politician’s Culture-Savvy Daughter

Remember this? Right around publication date for one of our titles, Andy Warhol, Meghan McCain posted a Twitpic of herself on a night-in, happily ready to curl up with our new book. Okay, okay, we were so surprised at the coincidence (not her reading choice) that we even had a

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