Tag postcolonialism

The View from the Postcolonial Caucasus

Rebecca Gould— High in the mountains running along the border between Azerbaijan and Georgia, in the garrison town of Zaqatala, former outpost of the famed Imam Shamil who in the mid-nineteenth century led the longest resistance to Russian rule, I meet an elderly woman crossing the street. “Come inside and

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Spirituality Connects Gandhi’s Inner Life With His Outward Actions

“Thus a ruler can imprison a person’s body, but the spirit is incapable of being imprisoned. It was this spiritual leverage that Gandhi fastened on to, and we fasten on to in Gandhi. It was with this power that Gandhi faced the might of an empire.” There are hundreds of

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To London, with Love: Bottled Up Memories from El Anatsui

“El Anatsui”, an exhibition organized by the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, on view now until October 16, displays the intricate metal work of the Ghanaian-born sculptor and his use of bottleneck foil wrappers to invoke the legacies of postcolonialism.