Tag prehistory

A Study in Slate: The Hidden Treasures of the Hunsrück-Schiefer

The Hunsrück Slate (in German: Hunsrück-Schiefer) is one of the most valuable fossil records for paleontologists to examine. The slate was first excavated by paleontologists in 1997, and the investigation has not been completed yet. More than just visual echoes of a distant era, the fossils serve as valuable research material

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The Mysteries of the Potato Revealed

Follow @yaleSCIbooks Europe took a very long time to get used to the spud, according to John Reader in Potato: A History of the Propitious Esculent. The Bible never mentions potatoes, so European clergymen in the 1700s banned the consumption of the suspiciously anonymous tuber. Doctors in the previous century

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