Tag Rob DeSalle

Ep. 68 – A Natural History of Beer

Grab a cold one as we discuss the history and science of beer. Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Spotify | Soundcloud

Ep. 45 – How Our Senses Work

Where do our senses come from and how do they work? What happens when they go wrong? We’ve got the answers to these questions and more with Rob DeSalle from the American Museum of Natural History.

Eat Poop and Live

Susan L. Perkins and Rob DeSalle— Though it might sound very unappetizing, many animals eat their own feces (or poop). For example, rabbits do it to help them to break down grasses, which are difficut to digest. Unlike cows and their relatives that chew a regurgitated “cud” of grass, rabbits

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Something on Your Mind? The Brain Decides…

Follow @yaleSCIbooks How do we know how many eggs are in a dozen? How do we tell red from blue? How can we imagine tomorrow when the sun has not even begun to set on today? These are just a few of the mysteries associated with the human brain, the

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