Tag summer reading

Letters of Influence: Edith Wharton and Her Governess

One of the joys and challenges of literary biography is deciding how to interpret the ripples that are made as each new nugget of information drops into that heady mixture of facts and figures, vibrant anecdotes and dynamic interpretations that make up what we call an author’s “life and work.”

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Goodreads Giveaway: Lives of the Novelists

Samuel Johnson’s Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets (1779-1781) is a classic work of literary biography, covering 52 poets whom the author felt had the most influence on the English language. Now, John Sutherland follows in this great tradition with his sweeping and ambitious book, Lives of the Novelists:

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June Theme: Summer Reading

Whether you’re traveling far and wide or relaxing in your favorite patio chair this summer, no one can deny that extra leisure time is wonderfully filled with books. Here at Yale University Press, we’re boasting an exciting year of literary studies, including Bernard Avishai’s Promiscuous, a biography of Philip Roth’s

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Summer comes to New Haven

You’ve got your shades, a towel, and plenty of sunscreen. Now the only thing you need to get through the summer is the perfect beach read. Look no further than the Yale Press’s new Summer Reading list . Whether you’re looking for that next vacation destination or have that favorite

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Yale loves summer reading –new titles added to our Online Sale

We’ve just launched our Best of Summer Reading site at Yale University Press! Our new page features a host of titles perfect to slip right in your beach bag as you head out to enjoy the sun and surf. Delve into Tennent H. Bagley’s Spy Wars and uncover details from

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