Tag voting wars

Combatting Voter Suppression

Richard L. Hasen— The media often frame the voting wars as a stalemate between claims of voter fraud and voter suppression, but it is time to declare the battle over. The issue of organized voter fraud has now been put to the test in courts and in social science, and

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September Theme: Political Economy

Right on time for this year’s election season, the Yale Press Log is covering a swath of new books on “political economy”, specifically what’s at stake to effect change in today’s world of intertwined social, political, and economic concerns, and how people participate globally in the determination of their own

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The Voting Wars Special Preview

With Super Tuesday coming up on March 6th, election-related emotions are already running high, and as November slowly approaches, we can only expect them to rise further. Voters are concerned about everything from foreign policy to healthcare and gay marriage—but as Richard L. Hasen demonstrates in his forthcoming book, The

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