Tag YUPjan

Teens and Technology: Why Your Child Spends So Much Time Online

Follow @zephoria Follow @yaleSCIbooks It’s a common sight these days to see young people glued to their smartphones, tablets, and assorted other electronic devices–and that continues to confuse and worry many parents. Why do teenagers text their friends instead of talking to them when they’re in the same room? Are

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How Technology Turned the Entertainment Industry Into America’s Ambassador to the World

People who watch U.S. television shows, attend Hollywood movies, and listen to pop music can’t help but believe that we are a nation in which we have sex with strangers regularly, where we wander the streets well-armed and prepared to shoot our neighbors at any provocation, and where the life

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Lifestreaming: What Happens When We Share Our Lives Online?

Read a piece from Alice Marwick on why “social media is making us anxious and paranoid” on Medium.com!  (13-min read) Follow @alicetiara Follow @yaleSCIbooks In her new book, Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity, and Branding in the Social Media Age, Alice E. Marwick explores how Web 2.0–or social media–encourages a preoccupation with

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Why Does (Striking Down) Net Neutrality Matter to You?

Last week, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled that the Federal Communications Commission cannot prevent Internet service providers from striking deals with content providers to provide preferential access and services to consumers who pay for these benefits. This means that a company like Verizon can

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January Theme: Technology

As 2014 begins, we turn our minds to the future. Technology, our January theme, is developing at a rapid pace, and we are excited to see what the year has in store for us. Our books this month will keep you on the cutting edge of technology development in several

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