Yale Press’s centennial coverage begins

Nick Basbanes, author of the forthcoming A World of Letters: Yale University Press, 1908-2008, wrote a brief article for the Los Angeles Times, covering a handful of accomplishments and distinctions that the Press has achieved over the past century.

Flagheader Additionally, Monday’s edition of the Yale Daily News contained an article about Yale University Press’s centennial and our continued success over the years. The writer echoed Basbanes’ praise for us as “the outstanding university press in the United States.”

The article begins, “The idea for a printing press based in New Haven dates all the way back to a 1753 letter written by Benjamin Franklin. In July of 1908, plans were finally codified for a small, privately owned publishing firm — the Yale University Press. And now, 100 years later, the Press is one of the most successful academic publishing houses in the United States.”

Read the entire Yale Daily News article here.

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