A book to lift rainy day blues

Seasons of Life: The Biological Rhythms That Enable Living Things to Thrive and Survive: Russell G. Foster and Leon Kreitzman The past two weeks’ of showers in and around the tri-state area
seems to have cast YUP’s neighbors into a dour humor. On gray days like these, one
remembers how much of an effect the weather can have on our moods. In their
book, Seasons of Life, Russell G. Foster and Leon Kreitzman explore “the biological
rhythms that enable living things to thrive and survive.” In addition to explaining
how plants and animals have evolved exquisite sensitivities and adaptations to
the seasons, Foster and Kreitzman devote an entire chapter to
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a seasonal depression that affects a large
portion of the world’s population.

Not surprisingly, the authors indicate that sunlight
has historically been the cure for the blues. However, until the sun comes out,
we hope Seasons of Life’s informative prose will be sure to
raise your dreary spirits.

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