Fresh perspectives on an age-old debate

The Religion and Science Debate: Why Does It Continue: Harold W. Attridge One hundred and fifty years after Darwin first proposed the theory of evolution, the debate between religion and science continues to raise tensions in America. A recent USA Today article advocating peace between evolution and creationism generated nearly 100 comments in a little more than a day; the sponsored online chat drew more questions than the moderators could answer.

But perhaps the most important question we can ask about the religion and science debate is why it is has continued for as long as it has. The latest book in the continuing Terry Lectures Series seeks to answer this question with a collection of insightful essays from scholars across the country. Harold W. Attridge, Dean of the Yale University Divinity School, serves as editor of The Religion and Science Debate: Why Does It Continue?, which examines the ongoing debate through the perspectives of experts in physics, sociology, biology, history, and philosophy.

Marking the 100th anniversary of the Terry Lectures, this book takes an important step toward understanding the roots of one of theology’s most fascinating debates.

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