‘Tis the season to get crafty!

What is a printer’s proof and what is it good for?

A printers proof is a test print, created to offer a sense for what the final printing of a book will look like.  These are good for catching typos, font issues, and to make sure the art is reproducing as planned.  At the end of 2012, we gathered up the printer’s proofs that remained in our offices after they’d passed their window of usefulness, and we offered them to our colleagues as holiday wrapping paper.  This was a popular giveaway; the proofs were colorful, beautiful sheets.  This year, in addition to continuing our new tradition of making YUP art & architecture book-themed wrapping paper available in December, we got to thinking: what ELSE might no-longer-needed printer’s proofs be good for?  We came up with a lot of ideas.  And then we made them.

Top 10 things to do with no-longer-needed art book printer’s proofs.

1. Wrapping paper, bow, holiday card

1. Wrapping paper, bow, and holiday card

2. Placemat

2. Placemat

3. Bowtie

3. Bowtie

4. Giant origami crane
4. Giant crane

5. Fox puppet
5. Fox puppet

6. Apron
6. Apron

7. Star ornament7. Star ornament

8. Decorative throw pillow8. Throw pillow

9. Basket9. Basket

10. Headgear (flapper headband, wig, hat/boat)10. Headpieces

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“‘Tis the season to get crafty!”

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