Current Affairs

The Influence of Social Media on the Arab Spring

Since December 2010 countries across the Middle East have employed a variety of tactics that have brought down multiple dictators and irrevocably changed the region. In The Battle for the Arab Spring: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era, Lin Noueihed and Alex Warren break down the timeline and

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Mickey Edwards Interviews on The Parties Versus the People

Election season brings, as always, a contentious bout between “sides.” In the American two-party system, this concept is facilely reduced to a contest between Republicans and Democrats, but the oversimplification is revealing of how Americans gain access to the democratic process. If party leaders have created a deadlock of partisan

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The Moral Spark That Ended the Soviet Empire

December 25 is an important date for millions of Christians around the world who mark Christmas Day and the birth of Jesus Christ, but the early morning hours of December 25, 1991 also marked Mikhail Gorbachev’s resignation as president of the Soviet Union (which would be officially dissolved the next

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September Theme: Political Economy

Right on time for this year’s election season, the Yale Press Log is covering a swath of new books on “political economy”, specifically what’s at stake to effect change in today’s world of intertwined social, political, and economic concerns, and how people participate globally in the determination of their own

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Melissa Harris-Perry and Donna Hicks on the Political Power of Shame and Dignity

Looking ahead to September’s Political Economy theme on the Yale Press Log, this month we celebrate the one-year publication anniversary of two powerful books from Yale University Press: Melissa Harris-Perry’s Sister Citizen and Donna Hicks’s Dignity. On the surface, these authors have established themselves in very different niches of the

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What SUP from Your Favorite University Presses, August, 17, 2012

Taking a good idea from our colleagues at Columbia University Press, we thought you’d enjoy a roundup of what we’re reading from other social university presses and what goes on in our corner of the publishing world.  Dare we ask the question:  SUP friends?  And be sure to check out

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What SUP from Your Favorite University Presses, August, 10, 2012

Taking a good idea from our colleagues at Columbia University Press, we thought you’d enjoy a roundup of what we’re reading from other social university presses and what goes on in our corner of the publishing world.  Dare we ask the question:  SUP friends?  And be sure to check out

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A Tale of Three: Political Culture and Codes in the Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew Bible, the twenty-four books that make up the Old Testament of the Christian Bible, tell the stories of the creation of the earth and the founding of the Jewish religion.  In God’s Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible, Michael Walzer engages in a decade-long process of researching how politics

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Joshua Glasser on The Eighteen-Day Running Mate

Published today, Joshua M. Glasser’s The Eighteen-Day Running Mate: McGovern, Eagleton, and a Campaign in Crisis tells the story of the doomed presidential ticket of George McGovern and Thomas Eagleton, and the truth behind the dramatic derailment of a candidate in the 1972 US presidential election.  On the 40th anniversary

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The Games are Open; Now, Open a Book

Today begins full-fledged Olympic fever, placing London at the center of spirited rivalry and international attention. There is a romantic quality to the Olympic Games: countries putting aside their wars and politics and grudges to come together in the name of sportsmanship and tradition.  And as these Games of the

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