Tag environmental movement

Goodreads Giveaway: The Bet

Goodreads is hosting a September book giveaway of The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth’s Future by Paul Sabin. Enter now to win your free copy of this compelling book that analyzes a famous debate whose consequences still affect our modern-day political discourse on environmental policy. Goodreads Book Giveaway The

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Place Your Bets on Earth’s Future

Today’s raging partisan battles over climate policy and the Keystone XL pipeline are just the latest examples of a deeper debate about our future:  Are we headed for a world of scarce resources and environmental catastrophe as environmentalists believe, or will market forces and technological innovation yield greater prosperity? In

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John Firor remembered

John Firor, author of The Changing Atmosphere: A Global Challenge and The Crowded Greenhouse: Population, Climate Change, and Creating a Sustainable World, passed away last Monday. The environmental scholar and public-policy expert was, according to The New York Times, “an early voice linking climate change and human activity.” Richard Anthes,

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Congratulations Al Gore and IPCC on winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize earlier today for their efforts to increase awareness of climate change. (See a video of the announcement.) We at Yale University Press want to congratulate them on their work and their achievement. For those who

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Marshes receiving a flood of reviews

William Burt’s Marshes: The Disappearing Edens is receiving several nods in the media recently, with the most recent appearing in August’s Science magazine. “Burt has been stalking shy inhabitants (especially rails, bitterns, grebes, and gallinules) of North America’s grassy wetlands with his camera…He also reflects on the marshes he has

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Science and Diplomacy

The Coldest March author Susan Solomon was profiled as today’s New York Times featured “Scientist at Work,” for her unusual choice to leave her job in cutting-edge atmospheric research to run a global climate review for the United Nations. Dr. Solomon, who was honored with the National Medal of Science

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Andrew Winston on The Invisible Hand Podcast

Andrew Winston, co-author of Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage, was recently interviewed on the Invisible Hand Podcast with Chris Gondek. Listen to the Podcast here.

Don’t Panic

In direct contrast to the federal government’s refusal to act against man-made, global climate change, California’s leaders passed landmark legislation yesterday to reduce its level of carbon dioxide emissions by 25% by 2020. According to the New York Times, the deal between the Democratic-controlled Legislature and Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

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