Marshes receiving a flood of reviews

60_thm William Burt’s Marshes: The Disappearing Edens is receiving several nods in the media recently, with the most recent appearing in August’s Science magazine. “Burt has been stalking shy inhabitants (especially rails, bitterns, grebes, and gallinules) of North America’s grassy wetlands with his camera…He also reflects on the marshes he has explored, their riches, their pasts, and the threats they now face.”

The Washington Post mentioned the book in an article about summer’s flickering creatures: fireflies. “Nature photographer William Burt has communed with fireflies for years, but he knows that they can be hard to capture on film. Species that are dimmer, or don’t blink for as long as others, he said, make for shy subjects. In his new book of wetland images, Burt takes readers to a great sedge marshland in Douglas, Manitoba, and an evening 14 summers ago when he captured hundreds of fireflies signaling to one another. Another force of nature, lightning, is dancing in the distant horizon.”33_thm

In the July/August issue of Orion, Tim Traver calls Marshes, “entertaining and sobering at the same time…Books like this help put places like marshes back in the center of things.”

The author recently appeared at a book signing during the opening of his exhibit at the Chesapeake Maritime Museum. Marshes: The Disappearing Edens, is published in conjunction with the exhibition and features over ninety of his most striking photographs and a narrative that invokes the marshes of the past and compares them to today’s, with prose as picture-sharp as the photography.

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