Tag forestry

The Problem of Resources in Early Modern Times

Henry Kamen— Among the most serious environmental issues in preindustrial Europe was that of the disappearance of forests, which had at one time covered the greater part of the land surface. Already in medieval times there were protests against the destruction of forest land in order to create more arable

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The Lingering Damage of a Deadly Hurricane

Stephen Long— It can seem like a long wait for Spring to replace the browns and grays of the woods with tints of green. But this time of year has its benefits. Before lush growth turns the woods into a maze of green, we have a chance at an unobstructed

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Ginkgo: A Few Amazing Facts

Follow @yaleSCIbooks Perhaps you’ve seen in the news or read in an article about the possible health benefits of ginkgo biloba for improving memory and for slowing down cognitive function decline in dementia patients. More than just the focus of a modern day health craze, however, ginkgo is one of

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