Tag politics and religion

Religion and the State in China

Chloë Starr— Religion in China is closely managed by legislation. Unlike the U.S., where church and state are technically separate, the Chinese state governs religion just as it governs other areas of life. So when new legislation on religion comes out, everyone gets a little nervous. (“Everyone” means those in

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From Sinophobia to Sinophilia

Albert Wu— Consider the following stereoscopic photograph, taken by the famous travel photographer James Ricalton in 1900 and published by the popular distributor Underwood and Underwood in a box set called China Through the Stereoscope. On first glance, the photograph appears to be a typical example of orientalist travel photography

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Religious Texts in Our Everyday

Open any form of news media and there are sacred texts everywhere. Republican frontrunners quote Bible verses, pundits debate the role of the Quran in Middle Eastern politics, and in the arts and entertainment section, one book always hovers over the Harry Potters and John Grishams as the number one

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March Theme: Politics & Current Events

The sun is coming back, fewer mistakes are being made writing out the year’s date, and above all, our publishing wheels and printing presses are working overtime to bring you new books from our spring season. No doubt you’ve heard a mention or two about the 2012 Presidential Race: With

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