Tag science

Madness and Memory: A Conversation with Nobel Laureate Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D.

Although he encountered enormous skepticism, Dr. Stanley B. Prusiner persevered in his research on the causes of degenerative brain diseases, convinced the scientific community of his findings, and, in 1997, received the Nobel Prize.  He argued that conditions including scrapie in sheep and goats, mad cow disease in cattle, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans were

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The Terry Lectures Series: A Vital Conversation

Follow @yaleSCIbooks The Dwight H. Terry Lectures are an annual two-week lecture series that presents leading scholars in religion, science, and philosophy who reflect on how religion can embrace advances in scientific fields of inquiry and remain applicable in our everyday lives. Yale University Press publishes a print accompaniment to

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Fresh perspectives on an age-old debate

One hundred and fifty years after Darwin first proposed the theory of evolution, the debate between religion and science continues to raise tensions in America. A recent USA Today article advocating peace between evolution and creationism generated nearly 100 comments in a little more than a day; the sponsored online

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